Saturday, May 25

Getting expertise in order to become a Joint Task Force for NATO

Turned to the future, Headquarters Eurocorps studies and exercises the feasibility of a Joint Task Force (JTF) structure. The level of ambition of NATO to simultaneously command two major operations and four smaller ones plus the reduced NATO's Command Structure oblige the army corps of the NATO Force Structure to develop command capabilities at operational level. The final operational capability will provide NATO with army corps capable to command land centric joint operations.
NATO requires that land component commands acquire joint capabilities in order to be able to conduct, plan and control operations that besides land forces also includes the use of air units and naval assets. This is quit a big challenge. The army corps will have to think out of the box and to acquire besides the tactical level skills also some operational level capabilities.
The permanent representation of the air forces of the framework nations (AREC) and a representative of the framework navies already enabled HQ Eurocorps to have immediately a solid link to the other forces. But the JTF concept pushes this cooperation one step further. The joint capacities will be integrated into the headquarters and somehow modify its current structure and manning. (source :