Tuesday, October 5

The Flying to Belgium maneuver ...

Initially announced as a comfortable flight to Belgium with the Falcon, finally turned out as a more adventurous undertaken with the so called work horse of the Air force, the good old C-130 Hercu. It took us more than 2 days to get there (with an overnight in Goose Bay, CAN) but that didn't hamper the joy of being home among family and friends. The first couple of days, I stayed at Yves ' place and met all the buddies. By the way, the pub crawl in Oostende was super cool. The last couple of days, I stayed with my family and met more friends.
Thank you all very much for the pleasant talks,
the wonderful moments, the many drinks and the inexhaustible supply of mouth watering Belgian food. Can't wait to meet you all again, but it won't be long now, I promise !!! The return flight to the US (Andrews AFB, Maryland) took place with the Airbus A-310, which did its very last transatlantic cross over for the Belgian Defense. Ain't that something unique ??